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Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe

Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe

Eating is a basic need for everyone. In many countries, however, this is not so obvious. In Zimbabwe, for example, many people are dependent on food distribution by NGOs. To counter fraud, a Zimbabwean NGO decided to distribute digital vouchers. For technical support in rolling out these vouchers, the NGO joined forces with Coupontools, a Limburg-based digital marketing software producer.

The NGO sends the digital vouchers to those in need by SMS. Since not every Zimbabwean disposes of a smartphone, the unique voucher code is also sent. Via this code, every recipient can pick up their food package at the local center without any problems. The NGO validates the voucher code and hands over the food package to the person. This way, the NGO is sure that the right person will receive the food package in question.

"We were honored when we received the application from the Zimbabwean NGO. The project was a challenge, but for an NGO, we like to do that extra! Moreover, as you can see, even in less developed countries, the step to the digital is taken. Some Belgian companies can still learn something from that," says Tom Hendrix of Coupontools.

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Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe
Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe
Coupontools helps food distribution in Zimbabwe
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Article published by: Coupontools

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